25 January 2007

dear God,

i'm scared for tomorrow. really, really freakin' scared. as i told a friend i think im going to get sick just thinking about that thing tomorrow. You know how much i want it because that would be my ticket to "freedom" so to speak. just help me get through it with flying colors...uhm, no... just help me get through it without making a fool out of myself.

i'm going there blind but with complete faith in You. beacuse i know that You will be the ultimate judge on what direction my life should take. but God, just please give me enough courage and self-confidence for it. please.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


i know you can get through this. i believe you and i'm with you all the way. tomorrow, just be YOU. ok? God will do the rest for you. as always, i'll pray for you.

edward v.