i've been tagged last month to share seven quirks or random things about myself. but i have been busy and lazy at the same time thus the late entry. so here goes the seven things about me. bow!
- every time i have tortillos/chips as a snack, i dip it in my soda first before i eat it. it's like dipping pandesal in your coffee. this "habit" was picked up by my younger sisters too.
- i always bite the drinking straw... unconsciously! any freudian explanation? :)
- i am not (and never was) a demanding nor a jealous girlfriend. it's just not really my style. you can even ask my exes and edward on this. hehehe. edward said that i'm not demanding because i'm very independent. and for the jealous part, i just know what my worth is and know how to keep my man. that is real girl power for you! :D
- i have the "talent" of listening to other people's conversations even if i'm busy doing my own thing (i.e. chatting away with my companion/s). edward told me that i can be a spy or something and maybe in the future, we can cash in some moolah from this "talent."
- i have two dream jobs: a personal shopper & a housewife!
- some of you already know this: i'm very, very ticklish (particularly my back, knees and feet) . i couldn't have a decent foot scrub/spa or any massage. i'm so ticklish that it gets irritating and frustrating! grr!
- i don't know how to scream/shriek like a girl. you know, the high-pitched shrill sound girls make when they are excited, frustrated or angry. i can't do that ever since i was little.